Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Supporting Small Business

I am a BIG fan of "small business" - I mean really, where would our country be without small businesses?

Small business owners are visionaries and dreamers - something I think that the world could use more of.  Small business owners desire to fill a need in their communities and provide for their families.  They model a strong work ethic for their families, their employees and for their customers.

I like this message:

I enjoy working for a small business currently and have very much enjoyed  networking with small business owners through my involvement in local chambers of commerce.

When I heard about "cash mobs" I knew I wanted to be a part of them!  I had the opportunity to help start the first Cash Mob in Springboro, OH through the Springboro Chamber and tonight was our first Cash Mob.  We did something a little different when we decided to combine supporting local business with supporting a local charity and it was great!  We chose the Springboro IGA, family owned since 1958 and the Springboro Community Assistance Center.

When we contacted IGA they immediately mentioned including a way to support the SCAC - how awesome: we were doing something for IGA and they continued to take the opportunity to support the community! 

If you are not familiar with Cash Mobs they are an opportunity to support local business with a group of people arriving at once to spend $20 on products.  IGA decided that for every $20 order they would donate $2 to the SCAC!  We also passed out lists of the most needed items by the SCAC so that people could purchase items to help re-stock the bare shelves of summertime in addition to their own personal shopping.

We had 100 people participate tonight and both IGA and the SCAC benefited.  I highly recommend checking out a Cash Mob near you and I invite you to join me in Springboro for the next Cash Mob if you are able to do so.

As you make your weekend plans, figure out a way to support a local business or two while you're out and about!

Have a great day!


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